I mailed this drawing to be signed to Bug Selig on June 4, 2013.
It was signed and mailed back to me on Friday, July 12, 2013; 38 days later.

Bud Selig
Bud Selig

Allen Huber “Bud” Selig was born on July 30, 1934. He is the ninth and current Commissioner of Major League Baseball, since 1992.
He was previously the team owner and team president of the Milwaukee Brewers, and is credited with keeping baseball in Milwaukee.
As commissioner, he oversaw baseball through the 1994 strike, the introduction of the wild cards, interleague play, and was instrumental in organizing the World Baseball Classic.
He also introduced revenue sharing, and is credited with the financial turnaround of baseball. Also during his term, the use of steroids became a public issue.


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